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I'm Swiss European :) for the year ;)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Taking a Brain Bath.

I have recently deleted my facebook.  I'm not crazy, just trying to ween myself off of my technology fix for a while. 

Of course I don't have to explain how wonderful and easy facebook makes it for me to connect with the rest of the world, but sometimes that's a problem.   I love keeping in touch with all of my friends in Pensacola and Jacksonville, and of course my entire family who live all over the east coast, but sometimes it feels as though I have never left the United States and quite frankly, I don't like the way that feels.  
I am on another continent, I'm in Switzerland, I should have completely disappeared off the radar for a year, right?  Well not in today's world of course.  And yes, as I am using the internet to update my blog I'm aware that disappearing or becoming disconnected is virtually impossible these days, but still.  I would like to feel as though I am actually a resident of Switzerland rather than a visitor and I think the best way to do that is to distance myself from home a bit.

I know the people I most care about (and vise versa) can always email me: Brittany.Elizabeth.Wilkerson@gmail.com  and Skype me: b.wilkszta
anytime :)
And hopefully keep up with me via my blog? ;)

Back in October I had some computer issues and was without internet for an entire week!  The first day was a little hard, but then it was easy and actually very nice to not have the internet as my main source of entertainment.  I read two books that week, went running everyday, practiced my german, and felt very accomplished each night my head hit the pillow.  Now I'm really starting to sound like a complete loser. 
The point is, I had a nice little brain bath and it's time for another one.

Things are going really well here in Zug! I've just moved into a new flat with two of my friends Matt and Cheesus.  It's such a nice place!  I'm very lucky to have such great friends here, they really gave me the hook up with this place, Matt's mom also gave me a bed to have while I'm here.  I will post pictures very soon.  I was glad to get out of my old place as my landlady was pretty crazy.  She was into witchcraft no joke, as well as wizardry. I once saw her in a sweatshirt that read, 'Hogwarts Class of '61 with her house crest on it.

It's nice to live with people whom when you are sick will probably just hand you some medicine, rather than knocking on your door at 8am with a caldron of burning incense swaying from side to side and speaking in tongues in attempts to rid you of your ill bearing demons (true story.)  Oh Mrs. Gubernale...I will miss your wonderfully weird ways.
She also referred to me only as 'Elizabeth', my middle name, on account of Brittany being a name she considered not as nice.

Without facebook I WILL be updating my blog WAY more often. Serious this time. I will be traveling to Prague in a few weeks, but you won't have to wait as long for another blog.
Miss you guys!!! Or if you're a Zug resident and reading this; See you in a day or so!!

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