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I'm Swiss European :) for the year ;)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Oh Katja...

Four year old Katja, is both the devil reincarnated and a 
sweet little angel. It really just depends on what hour of
the day it is.  And what type of mood she is in. Then there are
those gray areas, certain hours of the day when Katja is neither
angel nor devil, but just...insane?  

Age, Sex, Location?
22, Female, In route to ballet lesson via the Zug bus.
Katja says, "Brittany, can you now stick your tongue on my tongue?"
Very calmly and in a whisper I respond, "No, Katja we're not going to do that."
"But why? Why not?" (starting to shout, mind you) "Brittany put your tongue on my tongue!
It will feel so funny!"
While she is saying these things, she is trying with all her four year old might to 
stick her tongue in my mouth.  Now it's becoming a scene, people are staring
at me. And I'm trying to smile in a way that says,
 'I'm not a pedophile. Kids?! Ha, what are you gonna do?'
But that message isn't really getting across to fellow bus passengers
and Katja isn't really calming down any. How do you explain to a four
year old, that you can't make out with them? Awkward...

It was a bit of a struggle to turn her around and tell her to be quiet.
In retaliation she said, "Fine, BIRTHday!" (I should have never told
them that they are not allowed to call me that. It's now their favorite
thing to say when they want to be spiteful).
But I must say, that was the first time I have been happy to be called
'birthday.' Because to her, the thought of annoying me far outweighed
her desire to experiment with me on a bus full of people.
Thank God.  


  1. I keep rereading this. Best. post. ever.

  2. hahaha thanks boo. Gah she is....one interesting little girl...lol

  3. I want to meet her. I'm sorry to say that I have found myself smiling at your misfortune. I'm sorry and I LOVE you =)

  4. oh my god you never told me about this! i just died
