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I'm Swiss European :) for the year ;)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Basel is Lovely in October

And by "lovely" I mean rainy, and by "rainy" I mean sleeting.  To say it was freezing outside is more than an understatement.  I think we would need a new word for freezing. My Florida-temperature-adjusted body is not made for these conditions.  But it's OK, I did not let that ruin my Sunday :)

Mmmm I know that looks extremely appetizing. 

Today, Karah, Jamie, and I went to Basel for their
Autumn Fair. We decided to try these fried apples
while we were there because they smelled really good and it seemed 
like everyone walking around the fair had some.  They were 
delicious! Covered in cinnamon with vanilla sauce on the side. 
They don't look so great in that picture 
but hey, I'm no food photographer. 

Don't get too excited by this picture.
I am sad and embarrassed to report that while in
Basel, we skipped the Andy Warhol showcase at the
Kunstmuseum.  However, the exhibit will be around until 
January and I plan on getting back out to Basel to see it. So 
just consider this a little teaser of far greater pictures to come!

Not embarrassed to admit that I've been pulled into the european
influence of techno music. I was a Daft Punk Fan anyways. 
I fed my new Passion Pit obsession yesterday by downloading 
every song of theirs that I could get my hands on. I think they're
fantastic =)

Since I am very new to this blogging thing, I haven't been
able to figure out how to post videos...Sad face...but either
ways here is a link to a really popular song I've been hearing
everywhere I go. "We No Speak Americano."
 I have no idea if it's big in the states but people


  1. Fried apples are amaaaazing! Just wait until all the Christmas markets get going, it's food heaven! Make sure to visit both the ones in Zurich and Luzern, the decorations are so pretty! And they're right in the train station so you don't have to brave the freezing cold outside :) They should open end Nov/beginning Dec. Or you can visit the "largest Christmas market in Europe (?)" in Germany. Forgot which city exactly but ask Michelle, I'm sure she knows.
    Oh, and I so wish I was there right now to be miserable in the cold rain with you :(
    <3 Jen

  2. ... Oh and soon it's time for Chilbi! There's one in Steinhausen so Karah should know when it is as the entire center of town is closed off. But the best one to go to is the one in Baar, lots more rides and games. Oh yeah, Chilbi is just like a carnival/fair they have in almost every town throughout the fall. Hit up some rides then go warm up in a beer tent and try this drink that's basically hot fruity tea with alcohol. It's kind of like hot sangria! Forgot the name of it but I'm sure you'll see everyone with it.
    -Jen again

  3. Oooh I like those suggestions! Thanks Jen Jen! Can't wait for Christmas Markets...but definitely not happy about not having you here :(
    please come back?
    Switzerland misses you...Brittany misses you :(
