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I'm Swiss European :) for the year ;)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I have a procrastination problem...

What did you do at work today?
I played with play dough and was called an asshole by a four year old.
Specifically she said "arschloch", which means asshole. And then she flipped me off. I now know that you shouldn't inform a four year old that she's not allowed to cheat in the game of monopoly.

"What do your sisters call you?" Asked the girls ten seconds after the above incident took place, as kids like to move on fast, and 90% of our conversations are about my brother and sisters, Thomas, Sabrina, and Molly.  I guess because it's the most relatable topic I have to discuss with them; they're children and I once had a childhood.
"They call me Britt."
"Britt? But why?"
"Because it's short for Brittany, you know like a nickname?"
"Well we want that your nickname is 'Birthday'."
"Birthday? No, you're not calling me Birthday. That doesn't even make sense."
"Yes it does, Birthday and Brittany sound so much a like in english, and they are nearly spelled the same."

In between my busy schedule of holding a 6 month old for 11 straight hours, and insisting that the girls stop calling me 'Birthday', I went outside and took a picture of this mountain on Zug Lake. It was such a clear and beautiful day today I couldn't help myself.  Zug's weather is tricky like that, it's normally extremely foggy and you can't see the mountains. But every once and a while you will get a very clear day and you'll be able to see ALL of the town's gorgeous scenery from up in the hills where my Swiss family lives.

The one regret I have of things I left behind in the states, is definitely a high resolution camera. I don't actually own one, but now that I'm here taking in all these wonderful sights, I could really kick myself for not having saved up enough money to buy a good nikon. My camera just doesn't do this mountain justice...  As you can see in my previous and only prior post, it has taken me quite a while to get this blog thing going. I think that camera may have motivated me to start this a lot sooner...


  1. Wow thats a bratty little girl. Love you birthday! hehe just kidding! Love you britt- Molly :D

  2. Love you, please keep these up!

  3. Um, whoa Katja better check herself! I'm glad you're not letting her cheat at Monopoly! I hate to call a 4-year old a bitch, but... Her birthday's coming up, you should tell her mean little girls don't get presents so she better change her attitude ;)


  4. Haha I will keep trying with her Jen. And Lisa I am going to post another thanks for following me!!! xx
